《Market》这篇文章,在翻译起初,我先是试图查找一些作者和原文资料,比如作者的人物介绍和创作背景,或者原文的上下文,但是全部无功而返。作者的身世背景扑朔迷离,在维基百科上查到了一个名为William Bruce的建筑师,被尊称为Sir William Bruce of Kinross,生活在英国大殖民时代,曾经设计建造了很多古老的建筑;另一位全名为William Mc Fee Bruce的作者,写了一部名为《On the
“Market” This article, at the beginning of the translation, I first tried to find some authors and source material, such as the author’s character introduction and creative background, or the original context, but all failed. The author’s life background confusing, found in Wikipedia, an architect named William Bruce, known as Sir William Bruce of Kinross, living in the Great British Colonial era, has designed and built a lot of ancient buildings; the other one The author, William Mc Fee Bruce, wrote a book entitled "On the