从非正式群体具有的 5个比较典型的特征 :民主性、稳定性、目标方向、规模与交往频度入手 ,编制了关于中学生非正式群体特征的调查问卷 .该问卷的信度检验结果是 :0 .42 <α <0 .64 ,P <0 .0 1,表明问卷的内在一致性比较好 ;再测信度系数为 0 .7<γ <0 .9,P <0 .0 1,表明信度较高 .效度检验结果为 ,5个因素与问卷总分的相关系数为 :0 .46<γ <0 .5 9,P <0 .0 1,表明各因素与问卷整体间一致性较高 ;除频度与稳定性及规模显著相关外 ,其余因素间都不具有显著相关
Based on the five typical characteristics of informal groups: democratization, stability, target orientation, scale and frequency of interaction, a questionnaire about the characteristics of informal group of middle school students was compiled.The reliability of the questionnaire is: 0 .42 <α <0 .64, P <0. 0 1, indicating that the internal consistency of the questionnaire is better; the test reliability coefficient is 0.7 <γ <0.9, P <0.01, indicating The reliability is higher.Validity test results, the five factors and the questionnaire score was: 0.46 <γ <0.59, P <0. 01, indicating that the various factors and the overall consistency between the questionnaire Higher than the other factors except for the frequency and stability and scale significantly related