Building s New Socialist Countryside, Improving Commission and Agent System of "Village-level A

来源 :东北农业大学学报(英文版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:hehan1127
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Rural finance is an issue conced with rural people, improving rural financial management is important to close the relations of cadres and masses, maintain rural stability, and promote rural economic development. This article explained the main problems of village financial, the needs of introducing commission and agent system ofvillage-level accounting for building a new socialist countryside, and the measures of improving commission and agent system of village-level accounting.
仿佛一夜间,名不见经传的新锐媒体迅速崛起,这当中发生了什么?  仿佛在一夜之间,曾经风生水起的IT、数码、经济报刊遇到了空前的读者流失,甚至连老牌的互联网垂直门户也骤然走向衰落。36氪、虎嗅网、爱范儿、雷锋网……一个个名不见经传的新锐媒体迅速崛起,像一块块巨大的吸眼球石,在吞噬着读者的注意力。这中间到底发生了什么?  许多业界人士对此大惑不解,有位IT媒体老大一手拿着自己的文章,一手拿着新媒体的文
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