1.什么是方针目标管理? 方针目标管理是企业领导通过设定经营方针和奋斗目标,激励职工发挥潜力,推动企业生产和经营管理,实现企业经营目的的一种科学管理方法。2.方针目标管理有哪些特点? ①层层设定目标。企业领导设定企业的总目标,下属部门和职工都要设定与总目标相一致的分目标和小目标。
1. What are the objectives and objectives of management? Policy and objective management is a scientific management method in which business leaders establish their business policies and goals, motivate their employees to realize their potential, and promote the production and management of their businesses so as to realize their business objectives. 2. What are the characteristics of the target management? Level 1 sets the target. Corporate leaders set the overall goals of the company. Subordinate departments and employees must set sub-goals and small goals that are consistent with the overall goals.