应用二次回归旋转组合设计方法研究了七星瓢虫成虫、幼虫与两种麦蚜共存系统中瓢虫对麦长管蚜和禾谷缢管蚜的捕食量模型。结果表明七星瓢虫对两种麦蚜的捕食量随着瓢虫密度的增加而减少 ,随着该种麦蚜密度的增加而增加 ,且七星瓢虫无选择性。七星瓢虫不同个体间的干扰作用对其捕食麦长管蚜数量有显著影响 ,两种麦蚜数交互作用对七星瓢虫捕食禾谷缢管蚜数量影响显著。该模型可用来预测田间蚜虫的变化 ,指导麦田蚜虫防治。
The quadrat regression rotation combination design method was used to study the predation model of ladybugs on the symbiotic system of adult and larvae of Coccinella septempunctata and two kinds of wheat aphids. The results showed that the prey on the two kinds of wheat aphids decreased with the increase of ladybug density and increased with the increase of the density of the wheat aphid, and the ladybird was not selective. The interference of different individuals of Coccinella septempunctata had a significant effect on the number of A. capitatum predators, and the interaction of two kinds of wheat aphids had a significant influence on the population of Coccinella septentrionalis. The model can be used to predict the changes of aphids in the field and guide the control of aphids in wheat fields.