随着国家产业结构的调整 ,许多企业处于停产半停产状态 ,有的打工者为了尽快找到一份工作 ,挣得一笔可观的收入 ,在与用人单位签订劳动合同时 ,往往不顾用人单位提出的苛刻条件而盲目签约 ,结果一旦发生事故 ,就会引起纠纷。某村农民曹某被附近的矿劳动服务公司雇佣 ,在井下作
With the adjustment of the national industrial structure, many enterprises are in a state of halted production and semi-shutdown. Some migrant workers earn a considerable income in order to find a job as soon as possible. When signing a labor contract with an employer, they often ignore the suggestions made by the employer Harsh conditions and blindly signed, the result of an accident, it will cause disputes. A farmer in a village, Cao, was employed by a nearby mine labor service company for underground work