庚型肝炎病毒 (HGV )可通过输血或输入某些血液制品或静脉注射 (与血液接触 )及血液透析传播[1] ,我国各地也相继报道了对HGV的一些研究[2~ 4 ] ,但高原地区符合献血健康人群HGV流行状况的调查鲜见报道。为了有效预防输血HGV感染疾病的发生 ,我们对青海地区 (海拔 1 5 0 0m~3
Hepatitis G virus (HGV) can be transmitted through blood transfusions or into certain blood products or intravenously (in contact with blood) and hemodialysis [1], and some studies on HGV have been reported all over China [2 ~ 4] Surveys of HGV prevalence in healthy people in plateau are rarely reported. In order to effectively prevent the occurrence of HGV transfusion infection, we investigated the occurrence of HGV infection in Qinghai (elevation 1500 ~ 3