During the period of the National Anti-Japanese War, under the leadership of the Chinese Communist Party, the people of the occupied areas insisted on resistance war with various forms of anti-Japanese struggle and became an important part of the anti-Japanese war for the entire nation. Shanghai’s special status in modern China and the special situation in the period of the Anti-Japanese War have determined that it has an irreplaceable important role in the Anti-Japanese War against occupied areas under the leadership of the Chinese Communist Party and can not be ignored. During the period of the War of Resistance Against Japan, the Chinese Communist Party in Shanghai comprehensively strengthened the building of the party, upheld and developed the national united front of resistance against Japan, adjusted the strategic guideline of leading the war of resistance, organized the masses in all walks of life to carry out the anti-Japanese struggle, led the anti-Japanese armed struggle in the suburbs and vigorously supported the operations of the New Fourth Army, The construction of the anti-Japanese base areas made important contributions to the victory of the Anti-Japanese War and accumulated valuable experience.