
来源 :党史研究与教学 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:comboyaoqiu
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土地革命时期,王明的“左”倾错误路线统治全党达4年之久,给中国革命带来了不可挽回的巨大损失。王明关于中国革命基本问题的分析,是王明“左”倾思想的核心内容,这种思想的产生、发展及其结束,与共产国际有着直接的联系,共产国际的理论和指示为王明“左”倾思想奠定了理论基础,也成为日后根据地推行“左”倾政策的依据,给中国革命带来了极大的危害。 During the land revolution, Wang Ming’s “Leftist” erroneous line ruled the whole party for four years, bringing irreparable huge losses to the Chinese revolution. Wang Ming’s analysis of basic issues concerning the Chinese revolution is the core content of Wang Ming’s “leftist” thinking. The emergence, development and end of this thought have direct links with the Communist International. The theories and directives of the Communist International The foundation of Wang Ming’s “leftist” ideology laid the theoretical foundation and also served as the basis for implementing the “leftist” policy in the base areas in the future, bringing great harm to the Chinese revolution.
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