央行将抑制价格 总水平上升 据悉,中国人民银行最近公布了3月份企业商品价格变动情况,在企业商品价格总水平环比、同比均增长的同时,投资品和消费品价格双双上扬。其中,投资品价格环比升1.4%,同比升8.8%;消费品价格环比升1.2%,同比升7.4%。 当前这种生产型价格上升新情况已经引起了宏观经济部门的广泛关注。
The central bank will curb the overall price increase It is reported that the People’s Bank of China recently announced the March changes in corporate prices, the overall level of corporate prices in the chain, an increase over the same period, both investment and consumer prices rose. Among them, the prices of investment goods rose by 1.4% qoq and 8.8% from the same period of last year. The prices of consumer goods rose 1.2% qoq and up 7.4% from the same period of last year. The current situation of this kind of production-type price rise has caused widespread concern in the macro-economic sector.