
来源 :福建省农科院学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:cq2427
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解放后我省化肥供应量大幅度增长,如以1950年供应量(0.68万吨)为1,则1960年为15.4,1970年为79.5,1980年为258;三十年来粮食总产从33.7亿公斤,提高到80.2亿公斤,增长1.38倍。根据30年来粮食总产与化肥施用量的统计,两者呈高度相关(相关系数r=0.9268)。但化肥量的急剧上升,必然增大能源消耗、经济投资和农业成本。如仅1980年本省自产碳铵117万吨一项,即耗原煤80.8万吨、电4.8亿度。这分别占当年全省原煤产量的17.5%和发电量的9.7%;如按播种面积计算,则1980年每亩每季作物,平均需付出化肥费用9.58元。而且由于不科学用肥的结果,化肥肥效已明显下降。如施1公斤硫铵,在五十年代约可增产9~10公斤稻谷,而到六十年代便降为4~5公斤稻谷,到七十年代后半期又降为2~2.5公斤稻谷了。 After the liberation, the supply of fertilizers in our province increased sharply. For example, the supply of fertilizers in 1950 increased from 15.6 in 1960 to 79.4 in 1980 to 258 in 1980 and 3.73 billion in 1980 in the past 30 years Kg, increased to 8.02 billion kg, an increase of 1.38 times. According to statistics of total grain output and chemical fertilizer application in the past 30 years, the correlation between them is highly significant (correlation coefficient r = 0.9268). However, the sharp rise in the amount of chemical fertilizers will inevitably lead to increased energy consumption, economic investment and agricultural costs. For example, in 1980 alone, a total of 1.17 million tons of ammonium bicarbonate was produced in the province, which consumed 808,000 tons of raw coal and 480 million tons of electricity. This accounted for 17.5% of the province’s total coal output and 9.7% of the electricity generation respectively. If calculated according to the sown area, the average output of fertilizer per year in 1980 would be 9.58 yuan per acre. And as a result of unscientific fertilizer, fertilizer fertilizer efficiency has dropped significantly. For example, applying 1 kg of ammonium sulphate added about 9 to 10 kilograms of rice in the 1950s, 4 to 5 kilograms of rice in the 1960s and 2 to 2.5 kilograms of rice in the latter half of the 1970s.
1985年各地报来微肥试验示范总结材料25份,面积58118.5亩。其中:锌肥46456.5亩,硼肥6743亩,锰肥4344亩,钼肥575亩。现将试验示范工作简结如下: 一、锌肥效果 作物缺锌时,植
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