Freshness unwanted

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  Cancellations, surface-area reductions and, above all, reticence by major industry players, have made it necessary for Messe Düsseldorf to remove the freshness trio comprising Intermopro, Intercool and Intermeat, planned for September 21 to 23, from its 2014 schedule.
  The stimulus for the creation of three separate special fairs for the sectors dairy products, cooked and uncooked meat and frozen food products came from the German market in the 1990s. Since then, Intermopro, Intercool and Intermeat have been hosted at Düsseldorf every two years as a freshness trio. "The decision to call off the fairs in 2014 was not an easy one. But in view of the current number of registrations and lack of any prospects for a radical turnaround in bookings, we’ve been forced to put on the brakes."
   10th PPRD Forum held in Macao
  The Panel Discussion on the Economic Environment of Portuguese Speaking Countries under the 10th Pan-Pearl River Delta Regional Co-operation & Development Forum and Economic & Trade Fair (PPRD Forum) was held on 26 May, in the World Trade Centre Macau. The meeting will explore topics covering the prospects of trade and economic collaboration between the Pan-Pearl River Delta (PPRD) region and Portuguese-speaking countries (PSCs) and jointly promote further development of the PPRD and PSCs trade and economic partnership.
   Photokina 2014 welcomes surging number of new exhibitors
  From September 16 to 21, 2014, photokina, the world’s leading imaging fair, bringing together the industry, trade, professional users and end consumers with a passion for photography, will be held in Cologne.
  A good half year before photokina, the show have registered a very positive response on the part of exhibiting companies. Both the rental result and the number of new exhibitors are pleasantly high. 80% of the area is already booked. In addition to this, the number of companies represented at photokina for the first time is also considerably higher in comparison to the same point in time for the 2012 event. For photokina 2014, the photokina organisers, Koelnmesse and the Photographic Industry Association, are once again counting on 1,000 exhibiting companies from approx. 40 countries. In 2012, around 185,000 visitors from 166 countries came to Cologne to inform themselves about current trends and technologies surrounding the image.
   TCEB propels the country’s exhibition industry
  The Thailand Convention & Exhibition Bureau(TCEB) unveiled its 2014 exhibition industry strategy, which will showcase the strength of Thailand as a leader of the international exhibition industry in ASEAN. TCEB highlighted three key success factors: bringing new shows to Thailand, successful joint ventures between Thailand’s MICE entrepreneurs and renowned international exhibition organisers, and the establishment of international players looking to Thailand as a springboard to ASEAN. According to the exhibition industry’s strategy in 2014, TCEB will focus on its role as marketer and partner to further penetrate new markets and create awareness while working closely with partners to accelerate the number of MICE visitors to international exhibitions in Thailand. As connector and initiator, TCEB will emphasise the strength of business opportunities in Thailand as a springboard to success in the AEC.
背景资料  中展世建(北京)国际会展有限公司(简称“中展世建”)主要业务是组织建筑建材行业企业出国参加展览会。公司的宗旨是:专于建筑建材展览,精于内外贸易服务。主要组织以下行业的出国展览会:综合建材、玻璃门窗、电梯、工程和矿山机械、五金工具、灯具、暖通空调、厨房卫浴、涂料油漆、管道管线、家具配件和木工机械等行业。公司成立至今,专注于建材行业,服务于中国与国际建材市场的交流。那么,只做专一领域与从事
五一放假期间,本是北京旅游休闲的好时节,可是连续几天的大风天气着实让游玩者有几分不尽兴。当然,玩得不尽兴还可以改日。而关于行业政策变化的风声,就不是简单的一时不尽兴而已。  前一段时间,国家将取消中央拨付中央项目组织单位出展补贴的风声在出展业不胫而走,同时引发了一些北京出展代理企业的关注。  这些企业的热切关注不无道理。据业内粗略估计,目前中国的组展代理机构已大约有15000家,并且这15000家
背景介绍  巴黎国际工程机械展(Intermat)由法国最大的展览公司高美爱博展览集团(Comexposium)主办,长期以来,与德国宝马展(Bauma)、美国拉斯维加斯工程机械展(Conexpo-Con/Agg)并称全球三大工程机械展。展会每三年一届,汇集全球领先的建筑工业整机产品与产业链内各类零部件产品。金秋十月,负责Intermat展会多年的总经理玛丽凤·拉诺艾女士(Maryvonne La
近日,杜塞尔多夫展览公司原定于2014年9月21-23日举行的生鲜食品系列展览会Intermopro, Intercool和Intermeat宣布取消。  杜塞尔多夫展览公司代理CEO Hans Werner Reinhard先生表示,“在过去几年,杜塞尔多夫展览公司一直与生鲜食品行业进行深入合作,以促使行业发展发生理念转变。遗憾的是,这些新理念只有部分为市场所接受。当前,德国的贸易公司参加的室内
全球最大的数码印刷展览会FESPA 2014年展会将于德国慕尼黑展览中心举行,而2015年展会将移师德国另一会展城市科隆举行。该展会由FESPA展览有限公司主办,是全球最大的印刷行业专业展,且在墨西哥、非洲、中国等地开设了子展。据悉,2015年展会将于5月18-22日举行,展会将迎来来自125个国家的40,000名观众前来观摩数码印刷行业的最新技术、设备与消费品。届时全球摄影行业的领先品牌与服务供
Introduction  Every once in a while we see indignant news items about why investment in a convention centre is in the worst possible interests of a particular city. Although they may be from anywhere,
FESPA 2015 is moving to Cologne, Germany, where it will create a perfect platform for exhibitors to demonstrate products whilst engaging with decision makers and buyers from the print marketplace. Org
The Rimini Fiera Group wants to increase its revenue to around 86 million euros by 2016 and generate an EBITDA of more than 17.5 million euros. For the current year, the company expects sales of nearl
强强联手 合办新展  近日,位于瑞典延雪平市的世界知名林业展览会主办方Elmia公司近日与瑞典最大的林场主协会之一Mellanskog达成合作,共同在瑞典中部组办三个林业展。展会的名称为MellanskogsElmia,首届展会将于2014年8月22-23日举行。Mellanskog目前有超过三万名会员,而Elmia旗下林业展在全球享有盛名。公司旗下的2011届SkogsElmia林业展迎来33,