中日甲午战争期间 ,中国朝野有识之士纷纷就反击日本侵略而建言献策 ,其中建议最多、酝酿时间最长的御敌谋略 ,当属直捣日本的以攻为守之计。其具体作战方案 ,依所用兵力划分主要有四种 ,即分别以南洋军舰、北洋舰队、民船商船及外购军舰载兵勇远袭日本本土。直捣日本是为了改变中国在反侵略战争中被动挨打的地位 ,因此颇能引起国人的共鸣 ,有的方案甚至已为当权者所采纳。惟一旦要付诸实施 ,辄因困难重重而搁浅 ,最终都成了纸上谈兵。事实证明 ,只有将直捣日本之计提到积极防御的战略高度加以筹划才有成功的可能 ,而仅作为临战时的一种应急之策 ,清政府既不能于短时间内最大限度地调动全国力量予以支持 ,就必然会因兵力、技术条件的限制而“望洋兴叹”。
During the Sino-Japanese Jiawu War, people of insight in the ruling and ruling circles of China made suggestions and counsel in counterattacking Japan’s aggression one after another, of which the most proposed and the most geared strategy of impending hostilities belonged to a direct attack on Japan. Its specific operational plan, divided by the use of force divided into four main categories, namely, respectively, the Nanyang warships, the Northern Fleet, the Merchant Shipping and purchased warships overseas Yong bravely hit Japan. Straight smashing Japan is to change China’s position as a passive beating in the war against aggression so it can quite resonate with the people and some programs have even been adopted by those in power. However, once it is put into practice, it often ends up in difficulty because of difficulties. Facts have proved that only by directly pounding Japan in terms of strategic planning for active defense can be planned for success. Only as a contingency plan, the Qing government can neither mobilize the entire nation in a short time If we support the forces, we will inevitably “sigh and sigh” because of the restrictions on the strength and technical conditions.