Application of Fuzzy Algorithm in Inventory Control

来源 :Engineering Sciences | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:vvpmlc
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The paper introduces the application of fuzzy algorithm in inventory control, analyzes ordering strategy for components which are used for manufacturing product in order to reduce the cost in inventory. The authors, taking an electronic rectifier as example, build up model of product demand and inventory control, adopt fuzzy logical technique for inference forecast, discuss effect with different membership functions on inventory control result, bring suitable membership function for the forecast quantity order in inventory, and demonstrate the approach of inventory control based on fuzzy algorithm. The authors introduces an application of fuzzy algorithm in inventory control, analyzes ordering strategy for components which are used for manufacturing product in order to reduce the cost in inventory. The authors, taking an electronic rectifier as example, build up model of product demand and inventory control, adopt fuzzy logical technique for inference forecast, discuss effect with different membership functions on inventory control result, bring suitable membership function for the forecast quantity order in inventory, and demonstrate the approach of inventory control based on fuzzy algorithm.
本文对不同抗性大豆品种根系分泌物的化感作用及其组分进行了分析。结果如下: 1.连作十壤盆栽条件下,感病品种合丰25号的根际土壤pH值随生育期进程显著上升,成熟期达最高,根际
<正> 我国杰出的新闻工作者和新闻学者邵飘萍烈士的铜像,1986年7月1日上午在金华市婺州公园揭幕。这座半身胸像,高九十五厘米,宽一百一十厘米,安放在高一百五十厘米的花岗岩基座上。基座正面镌刻着陆定一同志的题词:“邵飘萍烈士纪念碑”,背面是二十六个筹建单