Based on mechanism design theory, this paper analyzes the problem of new universal service realization mechanism in electricity market. From the perspective of the electricity regulatory agency, aiming at the public goods characteristics and information asymmetry of universal service of electric power, considering the two constraints of individual rationality and incentive compatibility for providing universal service of electric power companies, a kind of incentive compatible characteristic Electricity universal service model, through the solution model to obtain the optimal incentive contract. Analyze the problem of contract parameter setting and its impact on the level and benefits of power grid companies, the effectiveness of power regulators and so on. The case study shows that the higher the level of efforts of grid companies to provide universal service for electric power, the greater their own return and the greater the utility and social welfare of the electric power regulator. This mechanism can motivate the power grid companies to continuously improve the universal service level space of power, and to achieve win-win situations for power grid companies, power regulatory agencies and the society, and optimize the universal power service.