本月热点●新品发布Python框架Django发布1.2.3版本由Python编写的开源Web应用框架Django发布了1.2.3版本,Django1.2.3修正了上一个1.2.2版本中发布的CSRF(Cross-site request forgery跨站请求伪造)安全更新可能导致的问题,如非ASC码响应、以及Django后台管理界面中用户编辑表单时引发的问题。并且在单个实例中多数据库支持、不受限于匿名用户的消息框架等方面也得到了加强。对象关系映射器DataMapper新版发布Ruby的对象关系映射器(ORM)DataMapper最新1.0.2版本已经发布。DataMapper为开发者提供优异的ORM特性,在保证优异性能的同时确保线程安全,并为开发者提供了丰富的可定制特性。1.0.2版本修正了1.0版本发布以来出现的一些小Bug,并在稳定性和安全性方面进一步增强。●事件HTML5迎来Rails 3主创加盟Yehuda Katz是Rails 3.0框架的核心开发者,Merb项目的带头人,同时也是jQuery项目的核心成员。Katz刚从Engine Yard公司离职,专注于SproutCore框架的开发工作。Katz在个人站点(http://yehudakatz.com/)上,回顾了他加入Engine Yard之后为社区做的贡献,并且阐述了对未来更吸引人的创业机会的憧憬。
What’s hot in the month ● New release Python framework Django releases version 1.2.3 Open source web application framework written in Python Django released version 1.2.3 and Django 1.2.3 fixes the CSRF (Cross-site request forgery cross-site request forgery) Issues that security updates may cause, such as non-ASC code responses, and issues raised when users edit forms in the Django admin interface. And in a single instance of multi-database support, not limited to anonymous user messaging framework has also been strengthened. Object Relational Mapper DataMapper New Release Ruby Object Relational Mapper (ORM) The latest version 1.0.2 of DataMapper has been released. DataMapper provides developers with excellent ORM features that ensure thread-safety while delivering exceptional performance, and provide developers with a wealth of customizable features. Version 1.0.2 fixes some minor bugs that have surfaced since version 1.0 was released and is further enhanced in terms of stability and security. ● Events HTML5 Welcomes Rails 3 Joined Yehuda Katz is a core developer of the Rails 3.0 framework, a leader in the Merb project and a core member of the jQuery project. Katz has just left Engine Yard, focusing on the development of the SproutCore framework. Katz recalled his contributions to the community since joining Engine Yard on his personal site (http://yehudakatz.com/) and outlined his vision for more attractive startup opportunities in the future.