重要的人生抉择 1946年10月,我和爱人周薇一起,抱着试试看的心理,参加了东北新华广播电台工作,不单是谋求职业,同时也是政治上的抉择。台长赵乃禾同志接待了我们,他说:“你来之前,军大文工团团长曾参同志已向我详细地介绍了你们的情况,欢迎你们参加党的广播事业。”乃禾同志随即找来一份“合江日报”,让我读给他听,我要求准备一下。他说:“不用准备,就这样念吧。”看来这位台长不只是听听声音,而且要考验一下我的文化程度。大约进行了10分钟的试读,听
Important Life Choice In October 1946, with my lover Zhou Wei, I took part in the psychology of taking a look. I participated in the work of Xinhua Radio Station in Northeast China. It is not only a career but also a political choice. Comrade Zhao Naihe, director of Taiwan Affairs Department, received us. He said: “Before you come, the head of the Communist Youth League has given me a detailed account of your situation and welcomes you to participate in the party’s broadcasting.” Copy “Hejiang Daily”, let me read to him, I asked to prepare. He said: “No preparation, just read it.” It seems that the director is not just listening to the sound, but also to test my education level. About 10 minutes of trial, listen