在现有的植物保护措施中,利用致病性微生物是一个新的方向。它的优点可以保证长期的、继续的压制害虫猖獗为害;对植物、人畜和有益昆虫无害;并且能同化学药剂混用以弥补其效果之不足。 利用寄生性微生物的方法是多种多样的,作为水悬剂或粉剂喷布于植物上,或是作为饵料及放于诱杀槽中使用。 近几年来,在害虫防治工作中的微生物方向得到
In the existing plant protection measures, the use of pathogenic microorganisms is a new direction. Its merit is that it will ensure long-term, continued repression of the rampant pest; harmless to plants, livestock and beneficial insects; and that it can be mixed with chemicals to compensate for its lack of effectiveness. The methods of using parasitic microorganisms are varied, sprayed on plants as an aqueous suspension or powder, or used as baits and placed in trapping tanks. In recent years, the direction of microorganisms in pest control has been obtained