
来源 :中国编辑 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:giwood
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日本出版评论家小林一博在《出版大崩溃》一书中发出振聋发聩的声音:日本几万家出版企业已经有半数以上面临生死存亡的关头,历经百年建立的出版根基有可能陷入坍塌的险境。比起一衣带水的日本来,中国的出版业虽然也遇到了困难,但整体发展态势相对较好。然而,这并不是说,中国出版业真的没有危机,特别是在推进出版体制改革阶段。只有把危机作为高悬之剑,未雨绸缪,树立危机意识,才能把危机意识转化为发展的最大原动力。 Japan’s publication critic Kobayashi Kobayashi issued a speech in his book The Great Crash in Publication: The tens of thousands of publishing companies in Japan are already facing the end of their life and death. After a hundred years of establishment, the publication foundation may fall into a collapsing danger. Compared with Japan, where there is a strip of water, although China’s publishing industry has encountered difficulties, its overall development trend is relatively good. However, this does not mean that there is really no crisis in the publishing industry in China, especially in the stage of promoting the reform of the publishing system. Only by using the crisis as a sword of oversteering can we take precautions and establish a sense of crisis so as to turn the crisis awareness into the greatest driving force for development.
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Human intestinal microbiota create a complex polymi-crobial ecology. This is characterised by its high population density, wide diversity and complexity of inte