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在大庆地区引种食叶草,并对其育苗、移栽影响因素及不同密度、肥料及刈割方法对食叶草鲜草产量、种子产量、营养价值、适口性等进行了研究,结果表明,食叶草在温度为25℃、湿度为80%和pH值为7.5时育苗最为适宜,出苗率最高,达到81.7%;食叶草在土壤持水量达到50%、温度15℃,幼苗4~5叶期时移栽成活率最高,达到95.5%;在大庆地区春季移栽,土壤持水量需要通过灌溉来完成,3月末育苗,5月上中旬即可移栽;种植食叶草施用肥料硫酸二铵鲜草产量高于农家肥和尿素,栽培间距为50cm×30cm时最为适宜,产量最高;种植食叶草施用农家肥,种子产量高于硫酸二铵和尿素,栽培间距为60cm×30cm时最为适宜,种子产量最高;大庆地区种植食叶草刈割3茬最为适宜。食叶草鲜草对奶牛的适口性很好,大庆地区适合引种食叶草作为奶牛饲料。 The introduction of leaf clover in Daqing area and its nursery, transplanting factors and different density, fertilizer and cutting methods of fresh clover grass yield, seed yield, nutritional value, palatability and other research results show that, When the leaf temperature was 25 ℃, the humidity was 80% and the pH value was 7.5, the seedling emergence was the most suitable, the germination rate was the highest, reaching 81.7%. The leaf water content reached 50% in the soil, the temperature was 15 ℃ and the seedlings were 4 ~ 5 In transplanting in spring in Daqing, the soil water content needs to be completed by irrigation, and the seedlings can be transplanted in the middle of May at the end of March. The yield of ammonium fresh grass was higher than that of manure and urea, the most suitable and the highest yield when planting spacing was 50cm × 30cm. The yield of seedlings was higher than that of diammonium sulfate and urea when the planting distance was 60cm × 30cm Suitable, the highest seed yield; Daqing planting clover cuttings 3 most suitable. Fresh grass clover palatability to the good dairy cow, Daqing region suitable for the introduction of clover as cow feed.
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