
来源 :外国法制史研究 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:chinadyh
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普通法又称案例法或判例法、法官造法或习惯法,它由古老的习惯法演变而来,和自然法思想紧密联系。自然法思想在人类社会中表现为一种公平、正义的关系。从古罗马哲学家西塞罗到16~17世纪的荷兰法学家格劳秀斯,他们对自然法的认识非常一致。英国的法律体系以普通法为特征,在其普通法形成的后期,王室法庭的建立及相应的令状制和陪审制的出现,对巩固普通法的存在和发展起到了重要作用。1066年诺曼征服后,王室法院的兴起使法官能够了解、收集和加工各地习惯法,据之判决,并在类似案件中使用,将其整 Common law, also known as case law or case law, judge law or customary law, evolved from ancient customary law and closely linked to the idea of ​​natural law. Natural law thought manifests as a fair and just relationship in human society. From the ancient Roman philosopher Cicero to the Dutch jurist Grotius from the 16th to the 17th centuries, their understanding of the law of nature was very consistent. The legal system of the United Kingdom is characterized by the common law. The establishment of the court of the royal court and the corresponding emergence of writs and jury systems play an important role in consolidating the existence and development of common law in the latter part of the formation of common law. After Norman conquered in 1066, the rise of the royal courts enabled the judges to understand, collect and process customary laws around the country, according to the verdict and used in similar cases to
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摘 要:新课程改革以来,教师们在教学上,积极探索,谋求创新改变。在现行的高考模式下,部分师生不够重视历史课。因此,高中历史教师要在新课标的要求下,进一步优化教学方式,转变教学观念,建立平等的师生关系,通过指导学生学习,创设情境,从而让高中历史课“活”起来。  关键词:教学方式;高中历史;课堂气氛  中图分类号:G633.5 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1992-7711(2016)19-044-1 
认真养鱼的人,没有几个会不换水不喂食,任其自生自灭。认真养花的人,没有几个会不浇水不晒太阳,任其凋零枯萎。认真生活的人,怎么能不争取不执着而是顺其自然?  小C跟男朋友吵架了。这周一直处于冷战状态。吃饭的时候聊到感情问题,小C说,感情的事,顺其自然,时间可以解决一切问题。  一个同事准备申请出国留学,让我帮忙修改文书,跟我说:“大概看一下就好,反正也不一定能申请上。”问到他想去哪所学校时,他说,申
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