新蔡葛陵楚简,多为占卜祭祷记录,与《包rrrrrrrrn山楚简》、《望山楚简》等相关内容有类似之处。rrrrrrrrn但新蔡楚简所记占卜内容中有不少用玉记载,rrrrrrrrn尤为特殊的是“婴之以兆玉”这一方式。分析其rrrrrrrrn内容,无疑有助于理解简文,同时对了解上古rrrrrrrrn时期祭祷习俗也不无裨益。现试分析如下。 祭祷用玉习见于文献,同时也见于出土竹rrrrrrrrn简,如《包山楚简》213一214简:“赛祷太备(佩)rrrrrrrrn玉一环,后土、司命、司猾各一少环,大水备rrrrrrrrn(佩)玉一环,二天子各一少环。”《望山楚简》:rrrrrrrrn“享归佩玉一环柬大王。”〔2泥见玉广泛用于多rrrrrrrrn种祭祀活动。新蔡葛陵占卜祭祷简中的用玉记rrrrrrrrn载,其格式为“婴之以兆玉”类型者尤其多见,rrrrrrrrn代表了一种特殊的祭祷用玉方式,值得进一步rrrrrrrrn分析研究。现将相关简文举例如下: 痒(徉),绥之以[兆」,压;举[4]rrrrrrrrn甲二:2rrrrrrrrn 尽绥以兆玉,旅(祈)甲二:10rrrrrrrrn 之日,荐太一撤,绥之以兆玉,族rrrrrrrrn(祈)之。既成,功逾而荐之。是日国rrrrrrrrn 甲三:rrrrrrrrn 举祷于二天子各两痒(徉).终之以兆玉。甲三:166、162rrrrrrrrn 痒(群),绥之兆玉。定占之曰:吉。rrrrrrrrn甲三:170rrrrrrrrn 口就祷三楚先屯一样,绥之兆玉,rrrrrrrrn就祷口口甲三:214rrrrrrrrn 就祷三楚先屯一徉,绥之兆玉。壬辰rrrrrrrrn之日祷之。乙?
The new Cai Ge Ling Chu, mostly for the divination prayer records, and “package r r r r r r r n Shan Chu Jian”, “Wang Shan Chu” and other related content Similarities. However, there are many jade records contained in the content of divination written by Xin Cai Chu, n is particularly special is the “baby with trillion jade” this way. Analysis of its r r r r r r r r n undoubtedly help to understand the text, at the same time to understand the ancient r r r r r r r r n Period prayer custom is not without benefit. Now try analysis as follows. Sacrificial prayer jade was found in the literature, but also found in the bamboo unearthed, such as “Bao Shan Chu” 213 a 214 Jane: (Pei) a ring, after the earth, the Secretary of life, the Secretary of a small ring, a large water reserve r r r r Jade a ring, a small ring between the two sons and daughters. “” Wang Shan Chu “: r r r r r r Enjoy the Peking Jade King Cambodia. ”〔2 mud Jade is widely used in many r worship activities. Gentlemen in the Neimeng Geling divination prayer in the jade with the rhyme contained in the format of “Baby to trillion jade” type is particularly common, r r r r r r r r n represents a special way of prayer and jade, which deserves further analysis the study. Here are some examples of related essays: Itch (徉), Sui to [trillion], pressure; cited [4] r r r r r r r n A: r r r r r r r nTake Sui to Siu Yu, brigade (prayer) A two: 10 r r r r r r r n of the day , Recommend too a withdrawal, Sui to Siu Yu, ethnic r r r r r r r n (pray). Accomplished, power over and recommended it. Is Japan A: r r r r r r r r n (徉). Ultimately trillion jade. A third: 166,162 r r r r r r r n itch (group), Suizhi Siu Yu. Set accounted for the said: Kyrgyzstan. A third: 170 r r r r r r r n mouth prayers Chuantun same, Sui Zhaoyu, r r r r r r r r n on the prayer port A: 214 r r r r r r r n to pray Chu Chu first Tuo Chu, Sui Siu Yu. Renchen r r r r r r r r n prayer of the day. B