
来源 :中国激光 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:mikewu
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为了满足加工和制作光子晶体光纤器件时的方位角定位需求,提出基于激光前向散射图案的方位角确定方法。用波长为650nm的激光垂直照射在光子晶体光纤的侧面,拍摄前向散射图案同时实时记录光子晶体光纤端面的显微图像。选取前向散射图案的局部区域强度之和为特征值,通过比较分析得出当求取前向散射图案半幅散射条纹强度值总和时,其特征值变化规律与光子晶体光纤内部轴向结构相对应,可用于光子晶体光纤特殊方位角的确定。在三种不同结构的光子晶体光纤的特殊方位角定位中,该方法的定位精度均小于0.5°,充分证实了该方法的有效性和普适性。提出的光子晶体光纤轴向特殊方位角确定方法简单实用、定位精确,将在光子晶体光纤器件加工中发挥重要的作用。 In order to meet the requirement of azimuth positioning when processing and fabricating photonic crystal fiber devices, a method of azimuth determination based on laser forward scattering pattern is proposed. A laser with a wavelength of 650 nm is vertically irradiated on the side of the photonic crystal fiber, and a forward scattering pattern is taken to record the microscopic image of the end face of the photonic crystal fiber in real time. The sum of the intensities of the local regions of the forward scatter pattern is taken as the eigenvalue. The comparative analysis shows that the eigenvalues ​​of the eigenvalues ​​of the half-scatter fringes when calculating the sum of the intensities of the half-scatter fringes correspond to the internal axial structure of the photonic crystal fiber , Which can be used to determine the special azimuth of photonic crystal fiber. The accuracy of this method is less than 0.5 ° in the special azimuthal positioning of photonic crystal fiber with three different structures, which proves the validity and universality of this method. The proposed method for determining the axial azimuth of photonic crystal fiber is simple and practical and accurate in positioning. It will play an important role in the processing of photonic crystal fiber.