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  2016年,随着伊朗的国际制裁被取消,伊朗农业将获得大量投资。当地拥有八千万受过良好教育且有消费意识的人口。伊朗农业展Iran agro的主办方——德黑兰Palar Samaneh展览公司及其德国合作伙伴fairtrade展览公司也将带领展会迎来全新发展。该展将于5月30日至6月2日在德黑兰国际展览中心举办,旨在推动伊朗农业的现代化。
  高美艾博首席执行官Renaud Hamaide表示,“本次收购将进一步强化我们在数字和信息技术领域的业务资源。而且,数码类展会在全球的跨界性使得我们的业务扩张不光光是在欧洲,也延伸到世界各地。”
  New era for Iran agro
  After the Vienna agreement between Iran and world powers in July 2015, 2016 will see international sanctions lifted. The Iranian agro industry will profit from huge investments. Many new players will enter Iran’s 80-million-strong, highly educated, consumption-savvy market. The show will take place at the Tehran International Fairgrounds from May 30 to June 2, 2016 to help the country in the modernisation of its agricultural industry.
  E v e n t m a n a g e m e n t c o m p a n y Comexposium group, has acquired Finaki, to underline its presence in the European and French digital and IT sectors.Finaki was founded in March 1989 by a team of IT research consultants that organise B2B events in Europe.
  Renaud Hamaide, CEO of Comexposium said: “This acquisition reinforces the Comexposium Group’s expertise in the digital and information technology sectors– not only throughout Europe, but also globally, as such events cross borders and create international communities.”
  Tenth Anniversary of JR Exhibition Company held in Hangzhou
  On 29 December 2015, the tenth anniversary of Hangzhou JR Exhibition Company was held in Hangzhou. International exhibition organizers China offices, associations, service suppliers and media gathered to celebrate the occasion. In the past ten years, JR has organized Chinese companies to participate in international exhibitions in about 60 countries and regions in the world.
On June 13, 2017, China and Panama formally announced diplomatic ties. As a pioneer in China to organize Chinese groups to participate in the exhibition in Panama, JR Exhibition Company joined the cel
7月19日,泰国会议展览局(TCEB)委任Chiruit Isarangkun Na Ayuthaya先生为新局长,并将以创新的理念引领泰国会展业者提升服务水平、改革管理方式,从而促进国家经济建设和繁荣发展。泰国会议展览局还提出了新的四大发展方向以推动会展行业稳步前行,包括国家整体发展、助推潜力市场、平衡区域发展和提升发展动力。  新任局长Chiruit Isarangkun Na Ayuthay
A combination of member expertise and global insights addressed an overall theme of “Transformation” at the 2017 Annual Conference of the International Association of Convention Centres (AIPC) from 2-
25 July 2017 marked the 10th anniversary of Informa Exhibitions (Beijing) Co., Ltd. The company celebrated the occasion on 28 July. Jack Wei, General Manager of the company walked the staff through th
As the "most profitable trade fair company with its own exhibition grounds in Europe" (in their own words), Messe Düsseldorf Group closed fiscal year 2016 with a result well above its target. In a yea
Doltone House Australian Technology Park is located within the Eveleigh Locomotive Workshops on the edge of Sydney’s CBD. With a main event space of 7,050 square metres and a purpose built theatre sui
7月6日,作为《出展世界》杂志品牌线下活动之一和第七届中外会展项目合作洽谈会的亮点板块,出展交流会在北京雁栖湖国际会展中心成功举办。  本次出展交流会由《出展世界》杂志社主办,中国贸促会系统北方会展联盟、中国国际商会会展工作委员会支持,并得到深圳市泰德胜物流有限公司的贊助支持。来自国内外知名会展主办单位、组展代理机构、会展服务机构以及相关业界近百名代表出席了会议。交流会由主题演讲、权威发布和两场主
澳大利亚技术公园舵统会所紧邻悉尼的中央商务区,有着超过7,050平米的活动场地,以及一座专业化的可容纳520名观众的剧院,为企业客户提供各类令人兴奋的活动举办解决方案。舵统会所作为一个全新的会议设施,十分先进,适于举办展览、会议、发布会以及各类活动。  展厅  展厅是舵统会所内最大的活动举办空间,可容纳2,080名宾客。展厅内有铁铸的柱子、拱形窗户,以及质朴的砖墙,在举办工业展时能够营造令人印象深
刚于1月13-16日在宁夏银川举行的CEFCO论坛上,中国国际贸易促进委员会总会发布的数据显示,2015年,中国企业出国参展规模下降了5.6%,组展单位数比 2014 年减少11.3%,国别数减少 4.6%,项目数减少 4.3%。有意思的是,在这一年,中国展览机构举办的海外自办展增长 19%。因此,一方面,中国企业出国参展体量下降,另一方面,出国自办展的积极性却持续高涨,中国展览业“走出去”的热情
西班牙加泰罗尼亚帕劳会议中心隶属于卡洛斯一世酒店,位于巴塞罗那的金融中心,周边是25,000平米历史可以追溯到十九世纪的风光独绝的花园。  会议中心由两位加泰罗尼亚建筑师设计,而他们因此也被授予2001年西班牙国家建筑奖。整个会议中心由几栋建筑组成,外形独特。会议中心的一大特色就是大多数会议室均采用自然光,同时整体上也具有非凡的多功能性和功能性,一共有35个会议室和数个共可容纳2,000人的礼堂。