近日,北京印刷协会与北京中竟同创能源环境技术股份有限公司联合召开北京市地方标准《清洁生产评价指标体系-印刷业》宣贯会。宣贯会由北京印刷协会常务副秘书长张仲元主持。张仲元说,北京市地方标准《清洁生产评价指标体系-印刷业》已由北京市质监局正式发布,201 5年4月1日实施。为做好新标准的贯彻实施,使
Recently, Beijing Printing Association and Beijing Zhongchuang Tongchuang Energy Environmental Technology Co., Ltd. jointly held the Beijing Municipal Local Standard “Cleaner Production Evaluation Index System - Printing Industry”. The conference was presided over by Zhang Zhongyuan, the deputy secretary general of the Beijing Printing Association. Zhang Zhongyuan stated that Beijing Municipality’s local standard “Cleaner Production Evaluation Index System - Printing Industry” has been formally released by the Beijing Quality Supervision Bureau and implemented on April 1, 2015. In order to do a good job of implementing the new standards,