上班來總能收到一沓信函:海內外廠商的產品圖片、News、宣傳品、業務往來;有關部門的文件、通知;兄弟報刊贈送交換的材料;各地作者寄來的稿件、更多的還是讀者的來信……專家們的評論、指點,高瞻遠矚,言簡意賅,青年朋友的詢問、批評、建議,海潤天空、熱情洋溢。每每捧讀起來總感到一種激動、一種責任。借此機會僅代表編輯部同仁向大家致以誠摯的謝意! 傳遞新的、重要的軍事信息,介紹各行專家學者的體會、見解、研究成果,為加強國防教育、增強全民族的國防意識,做出一份貢獻是我們工作的主旨;了解讀者的需求,為大家提供力所能及的帮助是我們應盡的義務。但是目前由於人力、經費等方面的原因,許多工作還沒有做好,收到的來信也未能一一答復,十分抱歉,請大家諒解。
To work to always be able to receive a stack of letters: products manufacturers at home and abroad pictures, News, promotional materials, business dealings; the relevant departments of the document, notice; brother newspapers and donated exchange of materials; Readers' letters ... Expert comments, pointing, forward-looking, concise, young friends inquiry, criticism, advice, Hairun sky, passionate. Always feel excited, a kind of responsibility. I would like to take this opportunity to express my sincere gratitude to all my colleagues in the editorial department for delivering new and important military information and introducing the experiences, insights and achievements of experts and scholars from all walks of life. In order to strengthen national defense education and enhance national defense awareness, A contribution is the thrust of our work; to understand the needs of readers, to provide everyone with the help we can do is our obligation. However, due to manpower and funding reasons, many of the work has not been completed yet. The letters I received did not reply one by one. I am very sorry to ask everyone to understand.