同学们在学习声现象时,会有这样的困惑:老师说,0 dB是人耳刚刚能听到的声音,老师说的对吗?人耳感觉到的声音的强弱叫做响度.声源离开平衡位置的最大距离叫做振幅.声源的振幅越大.响度越大.所谓响鼓还须重槌敲.就是用增大振幅的方法增大响度的.声音的响度还跟人与声源的距离有关,距离越远,响度越小.学校一般都远离繁华闹市区,这样受到噪声的干扰比较小.响度的单位是分贝,符号是dB.人耳刚刚能听到的声音为0 dB.例如.一根针掉地上的声音就是0 dB.在极其安静的房间里,人们可以做做这个实验,听听0dB的声音有多大.3 m外一只蚊子飞的声音也是0 dB,我们
When students are learning sound phenomena, they will have such confusion: the teacher said that 0 dB is the sound the human ear can just hear, and the teacher is right. The strength of the human ear’s sound is called loudness. The maximum distance of the equilibrium position is called the amplitude. The greater the amplitude of the sound source, the greater the loudness. The so-called rattling drums must be knocked with a hammer to increase the loudness by increasing the amplitude. The distance, the farther the distance, the smaller the loudness.Schools are generally far away from the downtown area, so that noise is less interference.Loudness in decibels, the symbol is dB.The human ear can hear the sound is 0 dB .For example The sound of a needle drop is 0 dB. In a very quiet room one can do this experiment and hear how loud the sound is at 0 dB, and the sound of a mosquito flying 3 m away is also 0 dB.