用比色法测定伊士登糖浆中的士的宁时,发现只适合于新鲜制剂,如制剂储藏一月则分。析结果降低,同时它的色系亦不符合于蓝--贝氏定律。为了确定对本法引起干扰的物质,制备了四份不同成份的伊士登糖浆:(Ⅰ)包含铁,硫酸奎宁,盐酸士的宁,磷酸和甘油等成份,(Ⅱ)不含铁的成份,(Ⅲ)不含流酸奎宁,及(Ⅵ) 不含盐酸士的宁。这四份样品均在暗室中于常温下储藏一年,按英国付药典方法,
When using colorimetric determination of strychnine in Yishun Syrup, it was found to be suitable only for fresh preparations, such as preparations stored in January is divided. Analysis of the results lower, while its color does not meet the Blue - Bayes’ law. To determine the substances that cause interference with this Act, four different ingredients of Yishun Syrup were prepared: (I) Iron-containing, quinine sulfate, strychnine, phosphoric acid and glycerol, and other ingredients, (II) , (III) does not contain tribasic acid, and (VI) does not contain hydrochloric acid Ning. The four samples were stored in a dark room at room temperature for one year, according to the British Pharmacopoeia method,