近年来已有许多文献报道心室晚电位可识别持续性室速或定颤的病人,预测有创性电生理程序刺激诱发室速结果,并且是心梗“心律失常事件”的独立预测因素。 便对晚电位的相关因素研究结果,各家报道不一。本文旨在研究晚电位与心梗部位、梗塞面积、溶栓治疗的相互关系。
In recent years, there are many reports in the literature about ventricular late potentials in patients with persistent ventricular tachyarrhythmias or defibrillation. Prediction of ventricular tachycardia induced by invasive electrophysiological procedures is an independent predictor of cardiac arrhythmia. The late potential of the relevant factors research results, various reports vary. This article aims to study the relationship between late potentials and myocardial infarction sites, infarct size, and thrombolytic therapy.