Finnish Cleantech Committee data show that in the 1970s, the Finnish paper industry produced 1 ton of pulp to consume 250 m3 of water; today, depending on the type of pulp, only 1 to 4 m3 of water are consumed to produce 1 ton of pulp and the maximum number of recycle 15 times. Kaj Jansson, vice president of R & D at Kemira, Finland, a world-renowned water chemical company, said: “Environmental legislation is one of the reasons for promoting the utilization of water resources in the paper industry. The rising price of water is also an important reason. Since the 1980s, water resources have been rising steadily, and in the future, water resources will become a strategic raw material for the paper industry. Improving the utilization of water resources in the paper industry not only meets regulatory requirements but also reduces the operating costs of the factories. ”