鞘膜积液是现代医学病名,其临床症状与中医古籍中所记载的“水疝”颇相类似。笔者学习李润田老中医经验,运用中医辨证方法治疗本症,疗效满意,现介绍如下: 例一:刘××,男,13岁,门诊号:4068。病孩发现右侧阴囊肿大数日,有下坠感,无疼痛。饮食正常,大、小便正常。经外科检查,诊断
Hydrocele is the name of modern medical disease, and its clinical symptoms are quite similar to those recorded in the ancient books of Chinese medicine. The author studied Li Runtian’s experience in traditional Chinese medicine and used the traditional Chinese medicine syndrome differentiation method to treat this disease. The results are satisfactory. The following are examples: Case 1: Liu X, male, 13 years old, clinic number: 4068. The sick child found a swelling of the right scrotum for several days, with a sense of falling, no pain. Normal diet, normal and urine normal. After surgical examination, diagnosis