欧玛嘉宝集团的名称,源于西班牙一个家族的姓氏,38年前,现任欧玛嘉宝集团的C E O J a v i e rOrmazabalEchevarria的父亲创建了这家企业。今天,它是一家年销售额超过30亿人民币的工业集团。业务主要为配电设备及相关领域。并购整合强强联手欧玛嘉宝凭借其卓越的技术能力和市场?
The name of Ormazabal Group originated from a family name in Spain and was founded 38 years ago by the father of C O’Orsavi e rrmazabal Echevarria, the current Ormazabal Group. Today, it is an industrial group with annual sales of more than 3 billion yuan. Business mainly for distribution equipment and related fields. Merger and acquisition mergers and acquisitions Ormazabal with its excellent technical capabilities and market?