斐济,南太平洋的一个美丽岛国,在1985年尚不通电。但是,随着通电而来的电视,给这个岛国带来了意料不到的变化!昔日,该国的少男少女均以强健和肌肉发达为美,为追求。而今,小小的电视荧屏让他们看到了外面的世界,知道了Western ideals of beauty。从此,少女们开始diet(节食减肥),孰料,少女减肥不当,减出了bulimia(易饿病)and anorexia(厌食)。电视的出现是祸是福?作者意味深长地“重温”了19世纪的历史:When the British came to Fiji andbrought the measles 【医】麻疹)with them.接着,作者写道:in the 20th century,television is another pathogen(病原体)exporting Western images and values.】
Fiji, a beautiful island nation in the South Pacific, had no electricity in 1985. However, the television that came with electricity has brought unexpected changes to this island nation! In the past, young boys and girls in the country were pursuing beauty and muscular development. Today, a small TV screen lets them see the outside world, knowing Western ideals of beauty. Since then, the girls have begun to diet (diet weight loss). It is expected that girls will lose weight, and they will lose bulimia and anorexia. The appearance of television is a blessing or a blessing. The author meaningfully “relived” the history of the 19th century: When the British came to Fiji and brings in the measles (Measles) with them. Then, the author wrote: in the 20th century, Television is another pathogen(exporter)Western Images and values.】