Social differentiation is a common term commonly known as the division of labor economically. Social divisions represent a limitation of the range of social activities performed by individuals and the proliferation of various social activities that may be performed. Social differentiation obtains the full saving of material and human resources and creates completely new social values. It also rearranges the individuals in the community and reinforces their differences in access to the values created by the community. Human desires are renewed to conform to this new social situation by custom. The three main types of value that emerge in the process of social divisions are: respect, wealth, and power. The hierarchy of individuals and groups that approach these types of value opportunities is the subject of social stratification research. The so-called class refers to people who have the same opportunities to obtain wealth. The so-called status groups refer to some people who have the same prestige level. The so-called party means some people who are organized for the purpose of gaining power. The term social class is widely used to refer to some people who share the same class and status factors. The term community refers to someone at the same level of opportunity to secure access to respect, wealth, and power, and turns them into a monopoly over internal groups, giving them a form of specialized community within the community. The status community is formed from the above-mentioned intrinsic material rather than from the bottom of the old community form.