谁不希望有更多的时间来处理需要我们竞相关注的无数任务?可是你不需要一天当中多几小时,而是只需要多几分钟。不妨利用这些节省时间的技巧来提高工作效率,你会发现可以在更短的时间内处理更多的任务。使用语音识别技术如果你经常输入大量数据,打字速度又不是特别快,不妨使用语音识别技术。语音识别是一项相当成熟的技术,已内置在自Windows Vista以后的Windows操作系统中,可以通过控制面板中的Ease of Access小应用程序来加以启用。
Who does not want to have more time to handle the myriad of tasks that require our attention? But you do not need hours in the day, but in just a few minutes. Take advantage of these time-saving tips to increase productivity, and you’ll find that you can handle more tasks in less time. Use speech recognition technology If you often enter large amounts of data, typing speed is not particularly fast, may wish to use speech recognition technology. Speech recognition is a well-established technology that has been built into Windows operating systems since Windows Vista and is enabled by the Ease of Access applet in Control Panel.