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尽管在近几个赛季中,有许多球队平均每场比赛的得分已经超过了100分——这也是自从1999年以来的峰值——但却没有一支球队能够像菲尼克斯太阳队这样保持着如此旺盛的赛场攻击火力。太阳队上赛季以平均每场110.6分的得分在联盟位列榜首,比同样以赛场进攻火爆著称于世的小牛队竟然多出了8分之多。而从太阳队的赛场主力阵容——纳什、斯塔德迈尔、马里昂、拉贾·贝尔和迪奥来看,他们中的每个人的场均得分均达到了10分以上,可见太阳队的攻击火力非常强大。而他们的场上阵容也颇为讲究,一大带四小的配备让太阳在比赛中掀起一波波的进攻狂潮。赛场上的他们通常是这样的——在主场对阵马刺队的一场比赛中,纳什从赛场左侧接到了斯塔德迈尔在对方禁区内传出的皮球。他将球快速运至中场,在这其中他突破了三名企图拦截他的马刺队员。在距离篮筐足有六英尺远的地方,纳什在企图扑到他面前的对手脚前撒住了脚步。他拿眼角的余光一扫,发现迪奥就在他左侧大约18英尺远的地方,迅速将球传给后者。迪奥接球后,马不停蹄地将球传给了在他右侧处于空当位置的贝尔。处于弧线处的他接球后,还没等蒂姆·邓肯从内线扑出来对他进行补防,早已扬手命中一个精准的三分球。就在这短短的几秒钟时间里——短得只够你低头系上自己的鞋带,太阳队已经从球场的这端到那端,完成了一次无懈可击的快攻配合。马刺队——这样一支在全联盟中号称防守最好的球队,在他们面前也只能甘拜下风。 Although many teams have scored an average of more than 100 points per game in recent seasons - and this has been the peak since 1999 - none of them have been able to keep up with the Phoenix Suns So strong field attack firepower. The Suns topped the league in scoring at 110.6 points per game last season, more than eight points more than the equally-known Dallas Mavericks attacking the field. Judging from the main lineup of the Suns - Nash, Stoudemire, Marion, Raja Bell and Dior, each of them scored 10 points or more per game, showing that the Suns’ Attack fire is very powerful. And their field lineup is quite stressful, with a big four equipped with the sun set off a wave of offensive frenzy in the game. They usually do the same - in a match against the Spurs at home, Nash receives Stoudemire’s pass from the left side of the field in the restricted area. He quickly sent the ball to midfield, in which he broke through three attempts to intercept his Spurs. At a distance of six feet from the rim, Nash stopped in front of an opponent trying to reach him. He swept away from the corner of his eye and found Dior approaching the latter about 18 feet to the left of him. Dior after the ball, non-stop pass the ball to the right when he was in the right position Bell. After he caught the ball at the arc, Tim Duncan did not get out of the paint to fill him up and did a good job of three-pointers. Just in just a few seconds - just short enough to bow your laces, the Suns from the end of the pitch to the end, completed an impeccable fast break with. The Spurs - a team that claims to be the best defensive team in the league, can only face the downside in front of them.
对于厌倦了喧嚣城市生活的人来说,奥地利因斯布鲁克绝对是一个移俗绝尘的最佳场所。这座被阿尔卑斯山环抱的美丽小城一定能让受困于世俗的烦恼之人食甘寝宁,超逸纯净的因斯布鲁克并不是穷奢极欲的地方,却能让你享受到神清气爽的畅快。  因斯布鲁克位于奥地利西部的崇山峻岭之间,多瑙河支流因河河谷为这座11万人口的小城提供了安身立命之地,因斯布鲁克在德语中就是“因河桥”的意思。不论在小城的哪个角落,你都能看见皑皑雪
Purpose:First,to review the state-of-the-art in patent citation analysis,particularly characteristics of patent citations to scientific literature(scientific no
<正> 一、半年来的国际金融形势发展状况进入90年代以来,世界总的形势发展变化很大,旧的世界格局被打破,新的格局尚未形成,世界向多极化方向发展,但是世界经济仍朝着集团化、区域化和国际化格局进一步发展之中。前苏联和东欧变化更为突出,特别是去年“8·19”事变之后,前苏联很短时间内被解体,十几个新独立的国家出现,独联体产生,更促进了国际形势的变化。这不能不强烈地影响着世界经济和国际金融形势的发展。然而整个形势趋于缓和。和平与发展仍是当代的主
<正>导演:道格拉斯·戈登Douglas Gordon菲利普·帕雷诺Philippe Parreno摄像:Darius Khondji剪辑:Hervé Schneid出品:法国/冰岛片长:92分钟制作公司:Anna Lena Films发行公