患者30岁,已婚。因取环术后下腹持续性剧痛12h 于1994年11月18日21:30急诊入院。末次月经于7天前。经净后1天,在当地行取环术。术后5h感下腹剧痛,畏寒、发热伴恶心呕吐。PE:T39.6℃,P104次/min,R 24次/min,BP14/9kPa。神清,下腹肌卫,全腹压痛反跳痛,移动性浊音(一)。VE:宫颈举痛,宫体后位,宫体及两侧附件压痛明显,反跳痛
Patient 30 years old, married. Because of epigastric surgery after continuous abdominal pain 12h on November 18, 1994 21:30 emergency admission. The last menstruation in 7 days ago. After the net 1 day, take local circumcision. 5h postoperative abdominal pain, chills, fever with nausea and vomiting. PE: T39.6 ° C, P104 times / min, R 24 times / min, BP14 / 9kPa. Shen Qing, lower abdomen Wei, full abdominal tenderness rebound pain, mobility dullness (a). VE: Cervical pain, palace posterior position, Palace and bilateral attachment tenderness, rebound tenderness