日军驻北平甲一八五五部队及其分部是一支反人道、反国际法的 ,担负研制、生产与使用细菌武器作战任务的侵略部队。在战败投降后的长达两个月时间内 ,日军充分利用北平地区行政过渡与力量真空状态 ,彻底疏散其人员 ,充分销毁其罪证。 5 0年代和 90年代中日双方学术与社会各界对其揭露与研究出现明显的高峰 ,有关甲一八五五部队的资料发掘与研究论著等方面均取得阶段性的成果 ,其设置、活动、性质及其“活体解剖”等罪行已经被学术与社会各界确认。但与七三一部队研究的丰富成果相比较 ,甲一八五五部队研究还显单薄。该课题研究的突破性的进展 ,需要各方专家和谐有力的合作。发现新资料、或者说“抢救”即将湮灭的人证与物证 ,更是当前的紧急任务。
The 1880th Unit and its subdivision of the Japanese military unit in Peking are a unit of anti-humanity and anti-international armed forces responsible for the research, production and use of bacteriological weapons. Within a period of two months after the surrender of the defeat, the Japanese army made full use of the administrative transition and the vacuum of power in the Peiping area to thoroughly evacuate its personnel and fully destroy their evils. Both the academic and social circles in both China and Japan in the 1950s and 1990s saw clear peaks in their exposures and studies. The relevant achievements in the excavation and research of the A-18th Troops’ Nature and its “Living Anatomy” and other crimes have been recognized by academic and social circles. However, compared with the rich results of the study by the Seventy-Three Force, the research on the A-18th Trooper was still weak. The breakthrough in the research of this subject requires the harmonious cooperation between all experts. It is even more urgent for us to find new information or to say “rescue” the witnesses and material evidence that will soon be annihilated.