国家统计局最近一份统计调查显示,2004年我国农民人均纯收入为2936 元,比2002年增加314元,增长12%,扣除价格因素,实际增长6.8%,为1997年以来增长幅度最高的一年。高速增长的数据固然让人欣喜,但过去一年我国农民增收的构成主要是农民外出务工收入和农民的税费负担下降,相时于在农民增收的来源中,我们并没有看到农业生产经营本身的收益给农民带来多少收入增长。面对着金色的麦穗我们仍然喜忧参半。
According to a recent statistical survey conducted by the National Bureau of Statistics, the per capita net income of Chinese peasants in 2004 was 2936 yuan, an increase of 314 yuan over 2002, an increase of 12%. After deducting the price factor, the actual increase was 6.8%, the highest increase since 1997 year. The rapid growth of data is certainly delightful. However, in the past year, the composition of peasants ’income in our country mainly consisted of the drop in the peasants’ income from migrant work and the tax burden on peasants. However, we did not see the agricultural production and management How much revenue growth farmers bring to their own income. We are still mixed with gold ears.