迈向“三大洋”的加拿大海军瑞恩·巴克海军中将的简历:瑞恩·巴克海军中将,于2000年12月晋升为中将军衔,太平洋区海军司令(MARPAC),在2001 年6月21日晋升为海军参谋长。他的军事生涯从曾任加拿大舰队(太平洋)司令到加拿大第15驱逐舰中队司令。其前期军旅生涯包括通常广义上的舰队实际指挥。第15驱逐舰中队由7艘HALIFAX级护卫舰和2艘“易洛魁人”级驱逐舰组成。当然,他也曾经指挥过自己的军舰,如HMCS
Resume of Lieutenant-General Ryan Buck, Toward “Three Oceans,” Admiral: Ryan Buck Admiral, promoted to Lieutenant-General in December 2000, Commander of the Pacific Marine Region (MARPAC), in June 2001 January 21 was promoted to chief of staff of the navy. From his previous career as a Canadian Fleet (Pacific) commander to the commander of the Canadian 15th Destroyer Squadron, his military career began. Its predecessor military career included the actual command of the fleet in the general sense. The 15th Destroyer Squadron consists of seven HALIFAX-class frigates and two Iroquois class destroyers. Of course, he also directed his own warships, such as HMCS