大凡每个创业者都有其成功的诀窍。采访过盛俊岭之后,笔者曾久久思索,他的诀窍在哪儿呢?他的一脸谦和的笑容,他那一身比庄户人还朴素的衣裳,实在难以令人产生这是位成功的企业家之遐想。然而他成功了! 从事任何一项事业,哪怕是消遣娱乐,比如打麻将,跳舞,没有一种忘我的热情,
Almost every entrepreneur has its own recipe for success. After interviewing Sheng Junling, I have long thought, where is his know-how? His face a modest smile, his simple clothes than Zhuang people, it is difficult to produce this is a successful entrepreneurial reverie . However, he succeeded! Engaged in any business, even if it is entertainment, such as playing mahjong, dancing, there is no passion for selfless,