
来源 :商用汽车 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:xuexuexuehehehe
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第1季度,全社会货运量、货物周转量分别同比增长7.4%和4.6%,较2013年同期回落1.6、1.9百分点。2014年第1季度交通运输经济运行平稳有序、进展良好,主要指标虽出现波动,但总体仍处于合理区间,基本面保持良好。第1季度行业运行基本情况第一,客运增速缓中趋稳,高端出行增长迅速。第1季度,全社会客运量(铁路、公路、水路,下同)同比增长4.8%,较2013年同期回落1.2百分点,降幅收窄,有一定企稳迹象。客运增速自2010 In the first quarter, the volume of freight and cargo turnover in the whole country increased by 7.4% and 4.6% respectively over the same period of previous year, down 1.6 and 1.9 percentage points from the same period of 2013. Traffic economy in the first quarter of 2014 was stable and orderly with good progress. Although the major indicators fluctuated, the economy remained generally within a reasonable range and the fundamentals remained sound. The first quarter of the basic operating conditions of the industry First, the passenger growth slowed ease, high-end travel has grown rapidly. In the first quarter, the passenger volume (railways, highways and waterways) of the whole society increased by 4.8% from a year earlier, a drop of 1.2 percentage points over the same period of 2013, narrowing the decline and showing some signs of stabilization. Passenger growth since 2010
荷兰海沃于2004年在中国创立了海沃机械,10年来在中国获得长足发展,成为中国自卸车液压举升系统和压缩式垃圾转运系统的领军品牌,在华销售额由2004年的5 000万元扩大到目前的
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