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柴达木盆地西部南区(简称柴西南)勘探程度相对较高,资源潜力较大,是开展岩性油气藏勘探的有利区带,然而,由于近些年来部分钻探井的失利,岩性油气藏富集规律等问题成为制约勘探的关键。通过重新认识该区烃源岩、主力生烃凹陷、古地貌及其控制下的沉积体系发育特征、关键成藏期古构造特征,对比分析古今构造,结合对典型出油气井点的精细解剖,明确指出:柴西南区岩性油气藏富集总体表现为“近凹环凹”特征,主要分布在远源沉积体系控制下的三角洲前缘砂体及滩坝砂储集体中,长期稳定的斜坡区及古今构造高点发生迁移且现今构造为含油构造的迁移带是岩性油气藏的主要聚集区。据此划分了该区岩性油气藏的有利勘探区带,并针对重点区带的部分热点地区构建了油气成藏模式,指明了下一步的勘探方向。 However, due to the partial loss of some drilling wells in recent years, the development of lithologic oil and gas resources in the south of the Qaidam Basin is relatively high with high potential for exploration. Tibet and other issues have become the key to restrict exploration. By re-understanding the source rocks, main hydrocarbon generating sags, palaeogeomorphology and the sedimentary system development characteristics under the control of the area, and palaeo-tectonic features during the key hydrocarbon accumulation periods, the ancient and modern structures are compared and analyzed. With the fine dissection of typical well points, It is clearly pointed out that the enrichment of lithologic reservoirs in the southwestern Qaidam basin is characterized by “near-concave ring ” features, which are mainly distributed in the delta front sand bodies and beach bar sand reservoirs controlled by the remote source sedimentary system, Of the slope area and the ancient and modern structural high point of migration and the structure of the current structure of the migration zone is the main gathering area of ​​lithologic reservoirs. According to this, the favorable exploration zones of lithologic reservoirs in this area are divided, and the hydrocarbon accumulation modes are constructed for some hot spots in the key zones, indicating the exploration direction for the next step.
【摘 要】 现在的语文教育太技术化、工具化,已经偏离了语文教育的方向,走入了误区,本文从语文教育的特点出发,分析这些误区,探讨走出误区的办法。还语文教育的本来面目。  【关键词】 技术化 工具化 语文教学目标    进入了二十一世纪,也就进入了新的时代,可二十一世纪的语文教育相比之前,并没有很大的变化。著名作家王蒙身为作家协会的副主席,奇怪孙子的语文竟考不及格,就去做孙子的考卷,结果竟然考不及格。
平时善于广撷博采,重视积累丰富的写作材料,是学生增强写作兴趣、提高写作水平的关键。如何帮助中学生广撷博采,积累写作材料呢?本人认为可从以下六个途径予以引导、鼓励:    一、观察积累    教师指导学生观察,要侧重方法的指导,通过课内分析讲解、课外观察示范等,教会学生由整体到部分的全面观察,捕捉事物特点的集中观察,由此及彼、互相对照、发现异同的比较观察等,从中准确认识事物,把握事物特征,发现事物变