10年前,邓小平同志指出:“组建预备役部队是个好办法”。 4年后,广东预备役师诞生在珠江两岸革命先烈血染的热土上。 6度春风秋雨的洗礼,这支寓兵于民、劳武结合、平战结合的南粤新军,已经成长为一支革命化、现代化、正规化的新型部队。总参谋部最近检查考核该师后,称赞道:“部队建设标准高,要求严,发展快。硬件建设在全军首屈一指,软件建设配套过硬,军事训练水平居全军预备役部队先进行列。”这正是:战士指看南粤,更加郁郁葱葱。
Ten years ago, Comrade Deng Xiaoping pointed out: “It is a good idea to form a reserve force.” Four years later, the Reserve Division of Guangdong was born on the hot soil bloody by revolutionary martyrs on both sides of the Pearl River. With the baptism of spring breeze and fall of 6 degrees, the new army in southern Guangdong, which integrates military forces with the people in armed forces and combines military with peace and peacetime with the war, has grown into a new type of revolution, modernization and regularization. After reviewing the division recently, the General Staff commented: “The standard of military construction is high, the requirements are strict and the development is rapid.” The construction of hardware is second to none in the army and the software construction is excellent and the level of military training ranks among the advanced ranks of the army reserve force. It is: Warrior refers to the Southern Guangdong, more lush.