研究表明,小麦生育前、中期适度灌溉,在保 证适宜亩穗数和幼穗正常发育的前提下,适度抑制营 养生长。后期补充灌溉,延缓根系和功能叶片的衰 老,保证穗粒数和粒重,是确定高产高效定额灌溉方 案的原则。从灌水时期与灌水次数的增产效果看,底 水的增产效果显著。冬水的增产效果因条件而异,在 底墒充足的条件下,冬水的增产效果不显著;而在底
The research shows that the moderate and medium irrigation of wheat before and after the birth, under the premise of ensuring the proper number of ears per acre and the normal development of panicles, moderately restrains vegetative growth. Post-supplementary irrigation, delaying the aging of the roots and functional leaves to ensure grain number and grain weight, is to determine the principle of high yield and efficient fixed irrigation scheme. From the time of irrigation and the effect of increasing the yield of irrigation, the yield of bottom water is remarkable. Winter water yield effects vary with conditions, adequate moisture in the end under the conditions, winter water yield increase effect is not significant; and at the end