虎舌红为世界濒危植物,因其叶面密生红色茸毛,侧视时有如红光笼罩,叶面如舌苔,整叶如虎舌,故名虎舌红。它的果熟期正值元旦、春节、元宵节,是一种象征喜庆吉祥,既观叶又观果的花卉珍品,具有较高的观赏价值。 虎舌红原生于山谷林下、溪边阴湿处。中国科学院庐山植物园考察团在庾岭山脉考察野生花卉资源时,在江西大余县境内海拔600米高的岭南山脉山脊阴湿处原始森林里首次发现了此种花卉。在’99昆明世界园艺博览会上,该园送展的虎舌红获室内观叶类植物金奖。 关于虎舌红我国民间有这样一个传说:清末年间,在赣南某山区,有一对穷苦的中年夫妻膝下只有一个体弱多病的八岁男孩,因无钱看病,父亲只好经常上山采草药为儿子治病,一日无意中在密林间发现一株奇异的矮小植物,只见植株挂满鲜红的果实,叶片在太阳的照射下,发出绚烂的光芒,他惊呆了,小心翼翼地把它采挖出来,栽植在自家的门前。多日以后,儿子的病竟奇迹般的好了。此事一传开,人们认为这种花能带来好运,并起名叫佛光红。 虎舌红也可药用,《云南中草药选》中记载虎舌红全草有清热利湿、活血、止血止痛、祛腐生肌等功效,常用于治疗跌打损伤及祛风湿,亦可治疗结核咳血、肝炎等症。叶可外敷去疮毒。 在日本,虎舌红是一种销量极广的重要观赏植物。
Tiger red tongue for the world’s endangered plants, because of its foliage dense red hair, sideways, such as red enveloped the leaves, such as tongue coating, the whole leaf, such as tiger tongue, hence the name tiger red tongue. Its fruit maturity comes as New Year’s Day, Spring Festival, Lantern Festival, is a symbol of festive auspicious, both foliage and fruit viewing of the treasures, with a high ornamental value. Tiger red was born in the valley under the forest, the river wet place. The Lushan Botanical Garden delegation from the Chinese Academy of Sciences visited the wild flower resources in the Juling Mountains for the first time to find such flowers in the virgin forest at the shady and humid mountain ridges of the Lingnan Mountains, 600 meters above sea level, in Dayu County, Jiangxi Province. In the ’99 Kunming World Horticultural Exposition, the park sent the tiger tongue red won the indoor foliage plant gold medal. On the vermilion, there is a folk legend in my country. In the late Qing Dynasty, there was a pair of poor, middle-aged husband and wife in his mountainous area in southern Jiangxi Province. There was only a frail, eight-year-old boy under his knees. One day unintentionally found a strange plant in the jungle, I saw plants covered with bright red fruit, the leaves in the sun, gorgeous light, he was shocked, carefully dig it out , Planted in front of their own home. Many days later, my son’s illness was miraculously good. As soon as this happened, people believed that this flower would bring good luck and named it Buddha Red. Tiger red can also be medicated, “Yunnan Chinese herbal medicine selected” recorded in the whole red tongue grass red tongue heat, promoting blood circulation, stop bleeding and pain, dispel myogenic and other effects, commonly used in the treatment of traumatic injury and rheumatism, but also the treatment of tuberculosis Hemoptysis, hepatitis embolism. Topical to remove sores. In Japan, tiger red is an important sales of an important ornamental plant.