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课堂教学中心理描写训练有效性的提高,需要教师准确把握教材和领会新课标要求,创造性地使用教材,叩开学生心扉,用深厚的文化底蕴和广博的知识储备,设计巧妙、精准,让学生有话可说,在融洽的氛围中让学生积极主动地参与学习,让学生乐于去说,发展他们的个性,提高他们的语文综合素养,为新课标下的语文学习增添活力,增加魅力。 To improve the effectiveness of physical description training in classroom teaching, teachers need to grasp the teaching materials accurately and comprehend the requirements of the new curriculum standards. They should creatively use the teaching materials, knock on the students’ hearts, use profound cultural details and vast knowledge reserves to design clever, Students have something to say in a harmonious atmosphere so that students take the initiative to participate in learning so that students are willing to say, to develop their personality, improve their overall Chinese language literacy, language learning for the new curriculum to add vitality and increase attractiveness .