黄焖甲鱼是流传于山东潍坊一带的传统名菜。据说清朝时潍坊有个陈姓乡绅,擅用甲鱼做菜。一次这位乡绅在家宴请郑板桥,席上虽摆满山珍海味,郑板桥却独对黄焖甲鱼最为赞赏。此菜因此在当地流行开来。 原料:甲鱼1只,肥母鸡1只,花椒油约100克(花生油爆葱姜丝、花椒而成),绍酒50克,八角5克,酱油60克,葱、姜、味精、麻油少许。 制法:1.将鸡、甲鱼宰杀干净后,一同放入锅内,加
Yellow Turtle Snapper is a traditional dish circulated in Weifang, Shandong. It is said that there was a Chen surname gentry in Weifang during the Qing Dynasty, good at using turtle cooking. Once the squire banquet dinner Zheng Banqiao, although seats full of delicacies, Zheng Banqiao was the most appreciated yellow turtle. This dish therefore popular in the local open. Raw materials: 1 soft-shelled turtle, 1 fat hen, pepper oil about 100 grams (peanut butter onion ginger, pepper and made), 50 grams of Shaoxing wine, star anise 5 grams, 60 grams of soy sauce, onion, ginger, MSG, sesame oil a little . System of law: 1. The chicken, turtle slaughtered clean, together into the pot, add