,Effects of dimethyl ether on soot formation in premixed laminar flame by laser induced incandescenc

来源 :交通运输工程学报(英文版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:sym409198933
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The control of PM emission is a rather complicated problem to be solved both for diesel engine and GDI engines.There are vast factors affecting PM emission,the fuel,A/F,combustion temperature and so on.But undoubtedly,most efforts are paid to exhaust aftertreatment,rather than the control of generation.This paper is to investigate the effect of dimethyl ether (DME,CH3OCH3) on soot generation in flame.Therefore,a laser induced incandescence (LII) measurement system for soot volume concentration measurements in flame is used.Two DME gaseous mixtures were prepared with equivalence ratios 1 and 2.To highlight its effect on soot formation,acetylene known as the precursor of soot,is added in different ratios.Similarly,CO2 is mixed to simulate exhaust gas recycling (EGR) effect in engines.The experimental results indicate that the fuel property and A/F ratio are the dominating factors for the generation of soot during combustion.The combustion of DME doesn’t emit soot obviously even under rich mixture condition.When bing the mixture of DME and acetylene (C2H2) in different proportion,there is barely soot emission at equivalence ratio of 1.The soot emission increases as the proportion of C2H2 increases at equivalence ratio 2,and the DME addition reduces the soot emission of C2H2 flame.CO2 dilution doesn’t lead to the increase of soot when bing DME at equivalence 1 and 2.Soot emission is lower when the mixture of DME and acetylene is diluted by CO2,though soot volume concentration increases slightly as the proportion of C2H2 increases.The kinetic analysis indicates that the combustion of DME does not produce the precursor of soot.Under fuel-rich combustion conditions,C2H2 reacts with H radical to form C2H3,which leads to soot.When DME is added,it competes for H radical,which reduces the formation of C2H3 and thus reduces soot formation.The research carried out in this paper indicates that DME fuel has obviously power to reduce soot formation during combustion,no matter whether it is diluted by CO2 or mixed with soot precursor substance C2H2.
【摘要】数学教育在课程中的重要性是任何教育者都知道的,数学是一门非常重要的学科,对于培养学生的思维有着很大的作用。在高考改革的背景下,数学这门课程的重要性愈加明显,每个阶段间的课程衔接也显得格外重要,数学也是一样,初高中数学教育究竟该如何衔接,关于这方面学者们也是仁者见仁、智者见智。本文就以初高中数学教育间的衔接为视角,探讨在新高考背景这种新的背景之下,数学教育间该如何衔接。  【关键词】数学教育
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【中图分类号】G635.1 【文献标识码】B 【文章编号】2095-3089(2017)36-0052-02  没有批评的教育是不完整的教育,学生是受教育者,在接受教育的过程中,有些学生会偏离我们教育的方向,做为教育者,要及时教育学生,让学生意识到自己的错误,引导学生自觉地改正错误。但学生是一群未成年的孩子,而且每个人都有不同的个性特点,要让学生接受批评,就要讲究批评的艺术。陶行知“四颗糖果”的故