Increasingly complex economic life, many entrepreneurs are operating insiders, legal laymen. And the distinction between criminal charges more and more detailed, a lot of guilty “hidden ” in the details, and even need professional lawyers to bring “magnifying glass ” looking for. To some extent, entrepreneurs are one of the criminal high-risk groups. Entrepreneurs once involved in job-borne bribery and other crimes, the defense is very difficult. In judicial practice, the ordinary criminal case of innocence rate of less than 1 ‰; and corruption and bribery cases, prosecutors no prosecution and even less likely to judge the court. The case of bribing Beijing Ming Song Company (a pseudonym, hereinafter referred to as Ming Song Company) acting under the team of Mr. Ze Yong was one of the successful cases of defending. Our team not only defended the Ming emperor Song Ming (pseudonym) Be free, but also make a good reputation of the business from disaster.